Nonpublic/Public Services » Nonpublic/Public Services

Nonpublic/Public Services

Nonpublic/Public Programs

The SCESC provides public school districts with a comprehensive non-public program that fulfills state requirements, while remaining compliant with state guidelines and within state funding through our Nonpublic/Public Programs.


Service Options Include:

Chapter 192 Program (Auxiliary Services)

      • Compensatory education (reading, writing, math)
      • English language services for multilingual learners
      • Home instruction

Chapter 193 Program (Special Education Remedial Services)

      • Case Management
      • Evaluation and determination of eligibility services
      • Speech evaluations
      • Speech services for articulation, fluency, language and vocal disorders
      • Supplementary instruction

Nonpublic Chapter 226 (Nursing Services)

      • Assistance with medical screenings (dental, hearing, scoliosis)
      • Emergency care to students who are ill or injured when the nurse is on duty
      • Informs the nonpublic schools of the State allocation
      • Maintenance of student health records
      • Process orders for nursing supplies

Nonpublic IDEIA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act)

      • Assistance with medical screenings (dental, hearing, scoliosis)
      • Accesses revenues for related services and/or supplies to students at nonpublic schools eligible for special education through federal funding
      • Additional pullout speech and supplementary services
      • Occupational therapy
      • Additional contracted services/supplies as permitted by code
      • Maintain the IDEIA Program accounting
      • Process payments to vendors

Nonpublic Security Aid Program

      • Coordination of the annual consultation meeting
      • Informs the nonpublic schools of the State allocation
      • Obtains the necessary approvals and submits the purchase orders
      • Purchase security services and equipment requests from approved vendors
      • Maintain the Nonpublic School Security Aid Program accounting

Nonpublic Technology Initiative Program

      • Informs the nonpublic schools of the State allocation
      • Obtaining district approval of requested technology
      • Submission of purchase orders
      • Processing payments to vendors
      • Coordination of the annual consultation meeting
      • Maintain the Nonpublic Technology Initiative Program accounting

Nonpublic Textbook Program

      • Informs the nonpublic schools of the State allocation
      • Obtains the necessary approvals and submits the purchase orders
      • Purchase of textbooks
      • Maintenance of Individual Student Requests for textbook loans
      • Coordination of the annual consultation meeting


In addition, the SCESC is available to provide public school districts with child study team evaluations and support services on a fee for service basis. Fee schedules are available upon request.

Nonpublic schools may be eligible to receive services for their students through several programs. All available programs require that a nonpublic school must be registered with the New Jersey Department of Education and must complete the Nonpublic Enrollment Report annually, located in the NJDOE Homeroom under NONPUBLIC ENROLLMENT. Federal programs require schools to be Nonprofit for eligibility.

Supervisor of  Nonpublic/Public Services
Kellie De San
908-707-0070 ext. 555
Fax: (908) 575-8770